Allison Bornstein Reveals Her Styling Secrets With Pagerie


Allison Bornstein

The Pagerie Pet is not only your son or daughter, but closest confidant. Wo(man)’s Best Friend is a series of interviews that reveals our favourite companions and the personality traits that make them one of a kind.

The first thing Brooklyn-based celebrity stylist and wardrobe specialist Allison Bornstein asks a client once they’ve tried on an outfit is, “How do you feel?” Her mantra reads as fashion is wellness and Allison believes that what we wear can impact our personality and the way we feel. “You can tell when you put something on someone and they feel really good in it,” says Allison. “It’s the way they move, the way they act, the way they look at themselves in the mirror, and the way they stand. I use that method a lot when I’m working with a celebrity or someone on set.”

The stylist is also a content creator delivering her staple Instagram edits to her followers. Each breaks down a look that includes both classic and more trendy silhouettes. She is motivated by the idea that less is more and guides her clients via Facetime to 1. Clean out their wardrobe, 2. Curate a capsule collection of what they already own, and 3. Come up with looks that they’ll keep coming back to.

I always ask myself the same questions when I am shopping and refreshing my wardrobe,”

says Allison. “‘Do I have something similar? If so, when would I wear this version over the one that is in my wardrobe? Will this make getting dressed easier for me? It’s really important before shopping to take a second and think about your personal style and how you would describe it. I like to call it the “3 words” method. I advise clients that when they are looking for a new piece, they should ask themselves if they can use one of their 3 words to describe it. This really helps people stay on track and buy things that make sense with what they have and how they want to look!”

Although Allison is a fan of shopping your own wardrobe, she believes in investing in pieces that you’ll have for years. So when it comes to resetting your wardrobe in the New Year, her advice is simple, “Accessories are our best friends right now,” she says.

An amazing necklace or a fun pair of earrings can make anything you have feel elevated and elegant. Also, with a lot of virtual meetings right now, it is nice to have something that makes a statement that people can actually see!”

And while Allison loves to help her clients look and most importantly, feel their best, her adoration for her pet is more than apparent. “I had no clue that I could love him so much,” says Allison. “He means everything to me. I can’t even describe it.”

When Allison first met her dog, Dereon, otherwise known as Deewee, she admits she was scared of him. Allison rescued Dereon and he was really nervous and a little bit aggressive.

But within a few short weeks, that was no longer the case. “Dereon is proof and shows how much dogs can change,” says Allison. “I feel like I’ve loved him into being a little cuddler because he wasn’t like that in the beginning. He also prefers being held while I walk versus him actually walking. It’s almost like a baby in a stroller. He gets so relaxed and heavy. He likes the movement of it, but his feet aren’t touching the ground.”

Meet Allison’s canine companion, Dereon.

Dog son’s name: Dereon

Breed: Dereon is a Pomeranian.

Cutest quirk: He loves to be in between the couch cushions. He likes to be nuzzled. Anytime there’s a suitcase on the ground, Dereon gets in it. My fiance had a duffle bag sitting out forever and Dee Wee took all the items out to fit himself inside.

Favourite human food: He loves peppers. When I make a salad and he hears the cutting board, he’ll start freaking, jumping and crying.

Daily uniform: He wears a diaper everyday. He’s a bad boy sometimes, but I think it’s getting to the point where he can’t control his urine. So he wears a diaper because he pees on purpose, but also because he’s getting older. It’s his best accessory.

Go-to outdoor activity: He loves being carried around in a tote bag.

Preferred luxury item: My Hermès blanket!